Medical staff – Ophthalmologists, geneticist

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Dr Alexandra MiereUniversity Lecturer – Staff Physician

Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Diabetic retinopathy, Myopic maculopathy, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease

Dr Francesca AmorosoStaff Physician

Department: Clinical Research, Senior
Specialty: AMD, Angioid streaks, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, General Ophthalmology, Myopic maculopathy, Pachychoroid, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease

Dr Agnès Glacet-BernardStaff Physician Associated Professor at College of Medicine of Paris Hospitals

Department: Senior
Specialty: Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Vitreoretinal surgery

Dr Oudy SemounStaff Physician

Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Angioid streaks, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, General Ophthalmology, Myopic maculopathy, Ophthalmic Echography, Pachychoroid, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Vitreoretinal surgery
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, Hereditary macular dystrophies, Ophthalmic Echography, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Uveitis, Vitreoretinal surgery
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Diabetic retinopathy, General Ophthalmology, Neuro-ophthalmology, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, General Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, Glaucoma surgery, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Strabismus, Strabismus surgery
Department: Senior
Specialty: Diabetic retinopathy, Pediatric ophthalmology, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Uveitis
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, Glaucoma, Glaucoma surgery, Ophthalmic Echography, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Strabismus surgery, Vitreoretinal surgery
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, Hereditary macular dystrophies, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Diabetic retinopathy, Glaucoma, Pediatric ophthalmology, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease
Department: Senior
Specialty: Cataract surgery, General Ophthalmology, Lacrimal duct, Orbit and eyelid, Pediatric ophthalmology, Retinopathy of prematurity
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Diabetic retinopathy, Glaucoma, Neuro-ophthalmology, Pediatric ophthalmology, Retinal Lasers
Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD, Cataract surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, Retinal Lasers, Retinal venous occlusive disease, Uveitis

Dr Rocio BlancoPhysician

Department: Senior
Specialty: Pediatric ophthalmology, Retinopathy of prematurity, Strabismus

Dr Daniel SeknaziPhysician

Department: Senior
Specialty: Cataract surgery, Vitreoretinal surgery

Dr Mayer SrourPhysician

Department: Senior
Specialty: AMD

Dr Olivia ZambrowskiPhysician

Department: Senior
Specialty: Electrophysiology, Hereditary macular dystrophies, Neuro-ophthalmology


Junior Doctors

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